A Few Helpful Tips To Make Your First Treatment An Excellent One
There might come a time when you look in the mirror and grow tired of seeing the same imperfections day in and day out. Crow’s feet worry lines, thin lips, or drooping skin… these natural signs of aging are frustrating. That’s normal! Opting for Botox and fillers is a great alternative to surgical treatments. These less-intrusive options help rejuvenate the skin’s appearance. If you’re fed up and ready to try Botox and fillers, here are some tips to help you prepare for your first treatment.
Work with An Experienced Clinician
If you’re feeling anxious about your first treatment, do some research. Find an experienced clinician with positive reviews and recommendations. Get in touch, and they’ll discuss the full treatment and outcomes with you. This is also an opportunity to get answers to any questions you might have.
You can also send in a photo of your face and explain what you’re looking for with your treatment. Your clinician will assess the treatment area, giving you their recommendations. Before treatment, you will also have an in-person assessment to go over the treatment plan. If you have any other concerns, this is the time to address them with your clinician. They’ll provide honest answers and help put you at ease about your treatment.
Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Sometimes it’s hard to sleep if you’re excited or nervous about an upcoming appointment. That said, the night before your appointment, go to bed early and avoid food or drink that will affect your sleep. If you are well-rested before treatment, you will feel better and less worn-out from the experience.
Don’t Go in On An Empty Stomach
Before your appointment, have a snack to tide you over until you’re recovered, even if you’re not hungry. You will be more relaxed during the treatment and have more energy after. Plus, you won’t have those frustrating hunger pangs while you wait to recover.
Use Ice Packs
Ice packs wrapped in towels are a great alternative to numbing cream. Apply the ice to your treatment areas before and after treatment to help ease the pain and swelling. A rule of thumb for using ice packs is to apply the ice once hourly for 10 minutes.
Have Makeup on Hand
If you plan to go back to work after your treatment, you might want to keep mineral makeup on hand. It will help cover up any redness that may occur from the treatment. While Botox and fillers are zero-downtime treatments that let you get back to normal in no time, some patients experience mild redness or bruising after treatment.
It’s normal to be nervous about your first-time Botox and fillers treatment, as with any treatment. But it’ll be over before you know it, and you can get back to your day. Keep these tips in mind to help ease your nerves before, during, and after your treatment. You’re going to love the experience once it’s over, and you will be thrilled to look in the mirror again.