Treat Wrinkles and Lines While Firming Skin
Sublative rejuvenation delivers fractionated radiofrequency energy beneath the skin to stimulate collagen production while keeping the upper layers of skin intact. eTwo Sublative rejuvenation works from the inside out to improve all skin types and restore youthful firmness and glow. It safely and effectively diminishes the signs of aging, all without frustrating downtime and lengthy recovery!

How Does Sublative Rejuvenation Work?
To achieve the best possible results, energy, whether laser or light, must be delivered below the skin without overheating the top layers. This has been the challenge with other more aggressive treatments because they work by overheating the top layer of the skin to the point of complete ablation (removal), forcing new skin to develop.
Sublative rejuvenation, meanwhile, uses fractionated bi-polar radio-frequencies to penetrate through the skin. This sends more energy beneath the surface of the skin to maximize collagen production, all while keeping the top layer of the skin intact. This is one of the chief reasons why it’s such a safe procedure.
eTwo Sublative
Rejuvenation Benefits
Sublative Rejuvenation is clinically proven to treat fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, textural irregularities caused by excessive sun exposure. Depending on your skin’s sensitivity, redness lasts between a few hours and a few days. but patients can typically return to regular activities following treatment.
Sublative Rejuvenation is the “all-natural” approach to enhancing your youthfulness. Unlike other non-aggressive cosmetic treatments such as Botox®, fillers, or chemical peels, Sublative Rejuvenation works from the inside out by stimulating cell regrowth. Thus, results with Sublative Rejuvenation last longer and can be further enhanced with yearly maintenance treatments. A full-face treatment session takes less than 20 minutes.